Most Leads September 2004, Group 5, San RamonMost Leads August 2004, Group 14, San FranciscoMost Leads March 2004, Group 5, Silicon Valley
Free: Visit our Leads Groups
Grow your business 25%, 50%, 75% even as much as 100% in one year by implementing the concepts that we have designed to make it more equitable for entrepreneurs and sales consultants to generate new business
  • Elite Leads takes leads groups to the next level. We're professional entrepreneurs working within the Fortune arena.
  • Visit one of our 19 leads groups in the Bay Area.
  • We're Business to Business only: Get to know other business owners who are already connected with Fortune clients.
  • Keep informed about other Mixers and events in your area.
  • We provide personality recognition Sales Training, Speaker's Training and Writer's Training courses.
We conduct leads meetings where information about business contacts, companies moving, expanding and downsizing are freely exchanged.

A Professional Business Development Organization Founded 1991

Elite Leads is one of the most professional leads organizations I have attended. They really get the job done for your business! 
Warren Boschin, Payroll Masters

 Click here for More Testimonials

Drive your business to a 
new level of success

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1966 Tice Valley Blvd. #231
Walnut Creek, CA 94595

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